Thursday, March 17, 2011

Soul Scribble

From "The Brain & The Soul" section of "Soul Pancake":
Visualize your soul for a moment. Now scribble, sketch, or rip up those old magazines you have lying around, and create your take on what your soul "looks" like.
Ok, so I'm not very artistic. And I ESPECIALLY can't draw, so I decided to make a collage. Basically, I sort of had an idea of different images that might be part of my soul (I used the list of things that re-charge my soul that I made in an earlier post to help with this). Then I went through magazines and through google images to get some things that I thought would sort of describe parts of my soul, and still look sort of good together.  This is the end result. This is by no means a complete picture of my soul, of course. I like to think of it as a little snippet of my soul. Or like, maybe a snapshot! Anyway, here's the finished collage:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soul Songs #3

This post's soul song is called "Rock and Roll" by Eric Hutchinson.

Unlike the previous two soul songs, this song doesn't immediately conjure up soothing images of country lanes and streams and such. I like this song because it's just so laid back and chill. It's such a fun, upbeat song. It can brighten my mood pretty well.

I love listening to this song

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Re-define Spirituality

From "The Brain & The Soul" section of "Soul Pancake"

So this is a new one, ya'll. That is, this is one of the activities in the book that I haven't posted about yet. So here's a quick explanation of it: Soul Pancake gives you a word. The one I'm posting about today is "spirituality". The book gives you standard definitions and synonyms of that word.