So, I've decided to add a new aspect to my blog. In addition to answer the questions posed by the books (although to this point I've only used the questions from SoulPancake), and blogging my reactions to the activities (none of which I've done yet), I've decided to periodically post about a song that I'm really into at the moment. One that just makes my soul feel good.
I've actually got a playlist in my iTunes called "Soul Songs". It does not refer to the genre of music known as soul, but instead to songs that, as I've said, make my soul happy. I can have a sort of eclectic taste in music at times, so though many of the songs are singer-songwriter type songs, don't be surprised to find rock, pop, hiphop, country, broadway, and many other styles.
So anyway. The song I've been listening to today is "Country Roads" by John Denver.
Now, I've known this song, or at least parts of it, for almost as long as I can remember. When I was little, and we'd go on long trips somewhere,