Sunday, February 20, 2011

Soul Songs #2

Sorry that it has been so long since my last update! The next few activities in the book are all ones that are going to require a good deal of thought, and I've been so busy that I haven't been able to get around to them
:(  But I will soon! But for now, here's my next soul song: "Fables" by the Dodos

This song just makes me picture strolling down a deserted country lane,
and then you find a little brook, with a little wooden bridge, and you cross it, and find a grassy, sunny path through a through the trees, and then it opens to a beautiful field with wild flowers and grass and its sunny and there's wind blowing, and you just dance around in the field, and lay down and look at the clouds in the beautiful bright blue sky.

If you actually listen to the lyrics, I don't think that this song is about that sort of thing at ALL. But this is one of the songs that I listen to for the music of it, and not the lyrics. I listen to the music and the melody and harmonies and all that, and see how it makes me feel. And it makes me feel care-free and easy going, like I have all the time in the world, like it's a beautiful summer's day and the day is going to last forever and never end, even though it finally will turn into a beautiful summer's night, but the day will have been so long and so enjoyable that when the night finally does come, we'll be ok with it because we feel like we've truly been alive all day. That's what this song makes me think and feel. Here's the song:

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